Experiences for your heart, body and soul
"Harvesting Purpose”
Are you ready to dive deep on a weekend of exploration with myself and Norina, a dear friend and highly experienced facilitator of family constellations?
During this retreat, we will engage in powerful exercises, group discussions, and individual constellations to help you understand your family history and break free from old patterns. Bid farewell to old wounds and welcome more and harmony into your life.
Yoga & Sound CacaoCeremony with live Handpan
Join Lisa Marie and me for a truly beautiful and deep transformative journey - a fusion of Ritual, Pranayama, Embodiment,Live Handpan and Guided Relaxation. As you immerse yourself in the ceremony, the mesmerising sounds of the Handpan drum played live will weave their way into your being, enhancing the power and practices of Cacao and Nidra, creating a truly magical atmosphere.
Feel The Music
Rest in bliss and join me under the stars for this beautiful collaboration with Tritha Sinha, live in the studios.
Read some loving words from my wonderful community and If you have any questions I would love to hear from you, email me here.